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Tip: How To Keep Your Dog's Teeth Clean

Tip: How To Keep Your Dog's Teeth Clean

Did you know, if your dog is 3-years old or over, there is an 80% chance that he has some level of gum disease? 

Because of the progressive nature of gum disease, it is likely the most overlooked and under-emphasized areas of pet health. And what is important to note, is that the latest medical research indicates that gum disease contributes to other serious conditions, namely, heart disease. Keeping your pet's teeth clean is very important. When we go to the dentist, we take for granted that the procedure is easy and relatively pain-free. But for a dog, teeth cleaning is a significantly more complicated process and requires the dog to be put under anesthesia.

Neglecting dental health for your dog will cost you in the wallet but, more importantly, it will cost your pet his health in the long-run. Most new pet owners don't know this and, with a few simple steps, they can avoid costly vet bills and give their dogs the best chance at long-term wellness. In this article, we've put together some simple steps you can take to make sure that you don't neglect this important area of health.

Dental Health for Dogs: Preventive Care

  1. Desensitization.
    Get your dog used to brushing by less invasive methods. Start with gauze and a little bit of toothpaste (there are products specifically designed for dogs in this regard). Graduate to using a toothbrush (small like a child’s), but more importantly make sure it has soft bristles.
  2. Use the proper motion.
    Just like with our teeth, the best motion is circular. Make sure to get all the teeth including the front and back surfaces, plus the gums. When going over the gums make sure to not brush too hard, as this can cause discomfort for your dog.
  3. Diet.
    Make sure your dog gets healthy, appropriate diet  and the occasional treat to keep their teeth and gums healthy. Some vets recommend that kibble is best because there is more chewing, but not necessarily. If you provide your dog with healthy food, and the occasional hard treat or chew toys, the same result can be accomplished. Thus, you don’t have to be limited. We recommend a natural, real food (not kibble), which is grain-free and add the occasional treat and/or chew with great results.
  4. Frequency.
    Try once per week or, at the very minimum, once per month. Just doing this will make a big difference.

In summary, don’t be lazy or intimidated by this task. You can clean your dog’s teeth pretty simply and keep them healthy. Happy brushing to you and your dog!

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