the pet digest blog from Nusentia

The Problem Every Dog Has Over 7 Years Old

As dogs age their joints wear down, this is especially true if your dog is over 7 years of age. This happens because the tissue surrounding the joints diminishes and causes joints to have less support and lubrication. Canine joint deterioration can cause a lot of pain and discomfort for your dogs. The image below illustrates what can happen to canine joints in senior dogs.

canine joint inflammation

First, destruction of cartilage.

Second, problems with ligaments.

Third, inflammation and pain. We have discussed in many articles the signs of joint problems (arthritis):

  • Slow to rise from a resting position
  • Reluctant to climb steps
  • Tires easily or lag behind on walks
  • Appears stiff or even limp after activity

Many dog owners wait until their dog has this problem before they take action. If your dog is age 7 or older you can stave off the joint problems in the first place by providing a preventive dosage of joint nutrients.

Protect the joints daily with natural and powerful glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and MSM.

RJX  for Dogs™ is a canine supplement with all three of these ingredients in the levels your pet needs. This formula is an incredible value in fighting canine arthritis, and its made in the USA. Get ahead of this difficult to manage problem by helping your aging dog before arthritis and joint inflammation hits hard. If your dog already ahs these signs then they need to get started immediately. For additional support, consider adding Celavin Omega-3 fish oil to help stave off excess inflammation.

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