the pet digest blog from Nusentia

Signs of Enzyme Deficiency in Pets : Natural Remedies

Enzyme deficiency (enzyme depletion theory) is a real thing for dogs and cats. As your pet ages he can suffer from a number of maladies, and one of the main culprits is due to a diet deficient in natural enzymes. This can cause a number of undesirable symptoms which can be an indication of deteriorating health.


Signs in the Stools:

  • Foul-smelling stool
  • Undigested food in the stool
  • Diarrhea
  • Yellow stool

Other Signs:

  • Bad Breath
  • Vomiting
  • The appearance of bloating
  • Gas
  • Yeast
  • Allergies (including skin and coat issues)


  • Age 
    Dogs and cats naturally produce less of their own natural enzymes as they mature.
  • Poor Diet 
    Modern diet and lifestyle is hostile to enzymes which are fragile organisms. Most processed or cooked pet food have no enzymes at all. Regardless of their fortifications or supposed health benefits, cooked/processed pet food is not at all appropriate for long term health of these animals.


First, just like us, your pet needs enzymes for digestion as well as metabolic functions. Metabolic functions include many important tasks in the body, such as cell generation, tissue repair, immune function... you name it! Some of these enzymes are produced in the body, some are contained in food (if it's raw).

Second, dogs and cats can only produce a limited amount of digestive enzymes. They are accustomed to receiving these components in their food directly. If there aren't enough enzymes in the food, the important digestive process robs his body of vital metabolic enzymes to complete the job. Meanwhile, the pancreas also works overtime. 

After digestion, whatever food is leftover, if not broken down, will be fermented. These fermented, non-digested food bits float around in the bloodstream and cause food allergies, and other chronic ailments affecting dogs and cats. In extreme cases, this will lead to malnutrition, and long term digestive stress results.


    Naturally, feeding raw is a good start and a smart choice when it comes to dogs and cats. Raw food is far superior than feeding a cooked and processed diet, but feeding raw these days is likely not enough.

    While there are more natural enzymes present in raw meat and produce, these delicate organisms are often largely destroyed or denatured by the elements of the environment or circumstances of their production. Consider that even the raw meat or vegetables may harbor antibiotics, herbicides, pesticides, or other toxins. Even an organic diet will be subjected to time spent in storage leading to further decomposition of natural enzymes.


    Fortunately, supplemental enzymes have been massively successful in supporting pet digestion. Even pet's well into the enzyme depletion stage can recover with a good enzyme supplement. Digestive enzymes, when manufactured properly, are stabilized, concentrated, and highly effective. When used at mealtime, enzyme supplements lessen the burden on your pet’s body and pancrease for digestion. Further, your pet's metabolic enzymes remain intact and undisrupted to perform their primary duties.

    The enzyme deficiency signs will subside or disappear after enzyme supplementation and your pet can get back to being nutritionally sound and healthy. Enzyme Miracle® was designed specifically for the modern pet's needs. It’s a full spectrum formula that contains the needed digestive enzymes for feline and canine diets.

    Conditions Supported: Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, Leaky Gut, Gut Inflammation, Poor Digestion, Excessive Shedding, Weight Loss/Gain, and more.

    For: Dogs and Cats of all ages and stages. Recommended especially for senior pets, and pets fed a processed/cooked diet.

      Nutritional Facts Standard Serving Size: (approx 1 heaping scoop : 1/2 tsp)

    • Protease 4.5   21000 HUT
    • Amylase  3500 DU
    • Diastase  1500 DP°
    • Lipase   500 FIP
    • Protease 3.0   50 SAPU
    • Protease 6.0  4000 HUT
    • Cellulase  200 CU
    • Bromelain   120000 FCCPU
    • Beta-Glucanase   10 BGU
    • Peptidase  500 HUT
    • Hemicellulase   200 HCU
    • Calcium   24 mg
    • Magnesium 7 mg
    • Copper (Copper Glycinate Chelate)   < 1 mg
    • Manganese (as Manganese Chelazome®)   <1 mg
    • *percent daily values not established
    • Other Ingredients: Beet root fiber
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