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Tips for Allergy Season for Pets

Tips for Allergy Season for Pets

Allergy season and pet allergies, there are basic signs to look for that your pet may be suffering from allergies. Additionally, there are 4 basic types of allergies in pets, which, if you are able to identify, will help guide you in your course of action to avoid or treat the allergies. Here is one-stop shopping to get the information you need.

The signs of allergies

  • Licking of the paws or feet
  • Excessive scratching
  • Ear problems
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Hair loss or hot spots
  • Gastrointestinal problems

4 Basic Types of Allergies

  • Allergy dermatitis (fleas)
  • Dog Food Allergies (usually due to grains or fillers)
  • Inhaled allergens such as grasses, molds, pollens, and dust mites
  • Allergies caused by irritants through direct contact with the skin

Steps to Control Allergy Dermatitis

Prevention is the best treatment for allergies caused by fleas. Get a head start by addressing flea protection for your pets before the season starts. For a natural flea remedy, read: Natural Flea Control for Dogs

Steps to Reduce Exposure to Irritants That Cause Allergies

There are a number of irritants that can cause allergies in pets.

  • Cigarette smoke
  • Perfumes
  • Cleaning products
  • Insecticides
  • Fabrics
  • Plastics or rubber materials

If you can draw a correlation to any of these, then you need to reduce your pet's exposure to them. Sometimes, this may lead to an elimination-and-testing approach to find which item is the allergy culprit.

Steps to Reduce Dog Food Allergies

  • If you have identified the food, eliminate it.
  • Provide some variety in the diet (especially with puppy's)
  • Reduce or remove grains, fillers and any foods in general that animals should not eat from the diet.
  • Address foundational immune health with probiotics (Probiotic Miracle®).  Probiotics help to create a strong gut ecology, which is the primary defense against developing or persisting dog food allergies.

Steps to Reduce Inhalant Allergies in Dogs:

  • Reduce itching and scratching with preventive care that treats the skin problem directly (Weekly bathing with hypoallergenic shampoos).
  • Improve living conditions (where your pet sleeps or plays). One solid step is to clean your pets bedding weekly and to vacuum frequently where dust gathers.
  • When your pet comes in from the outdoors, you can remove pollens by wiping down your dog's paws with a damp towel or cloth.

Avoid allergies in your pets with this knowledge.

Beyond this there are other ways you can address prevention and treatment for allergies with nutrition. 

Next: Allergy Season: How to Protect Your Pet with Nutrition

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